(14) Open your FTP application (you can download a great and free one from ). (13) Leave the default selection “Apply Color Scheme from Document” as is and click Create. (12) Select the button style you like and click Next to display the Color Scheme dialog box: (11) Fill the fields you like and click Next to display the Button Style dialog box: (10) Leave the default selection “PNG” as is and click Next to display the TitlePage Information dialog box. (9) Leave the default selecting “Standard HTML Format” as is and click Next to display the Graphic Type dialog box: (8) Select Existing Design option button and click Next to display the Publication Type dialog box: (7) Click Save to display the HTML Export dialog box: Make sure to select the HTML option from the long list of existing file formats: Open the folder and gave your presentation a name (I chose SampleShow). Browse to the FOLDER you’ve saved earlier in Step 2.

(6) Select File > Export from OpenOffice menu.

OpenOffice will open your PPT file with no problem at all (click on image): (5) Click Open, browse and find the PPT file you have saved earlier in Step 1 to display the Document in Use screen. (4) Select “Open Existing Presentation” option button: (3) Open that PPT file from inside OpenOffice 3 Impress presentation application (which you can download for free from ). (2) Create and save a FOLDER on your hard drive (I named mine SampleShow). (I’ve created a 3-slide PPT presentation and saved it as SampleShow.pptx) (1) Create your presentation in MS PowerPoint 2010 and save it. Here is one solution I’ve developed by using OpenOffice Impress application which can open all PPT presentations. PowerPoint has a direct Broadcast Slide Show button which creates an html link to post and share but that does not work well either (click on image): If you tried it, you know it: publishing a MS PowerPoint presentation to a web site is not easy.