That's because SpectraLayers Pro 3 lets you unmix your audio by selectively isolating frequencies, splitting them off to new layers, and even sending them out to other applications for further processing. Mastering tools let you fix problems after the mix Virtually every engineer here at Sweetwater has had the eye-rolling experience of being told to "fix it in the mix." But what about when the mix is done? In the past, your options would have been pretty limited, but with Sony SpectraLayers Pro 3, the rules have change. Likewise, SpectraLayers Pro 3's harmonic selection tool lets you smoothly isolate hum and other static noises, as well as their overtones, and phase cancel them. Using SpectraLayers Pro 3's intuitive selection tools, you can easily select a specific frequency range, mark the pattern as noise, and remove or reduce those sounds from the mix. Sony SpectraLayers Pro 3 Frequency Editing Software at a Glance: A must-have app for forensics and audio restoration Mastering tools let you fix problems after the mix Spectral casting and molding let you create tighter mixes A must-have app for forensics and audio restoration From basic noise reduction to extreme sonic isolation, Sony SpectraLayers Pro 3 lets you perform sound-editing miracles with astonishing efficiency. Easy-to-use selection tools make isolating even minute frequency ranges simple, and color-coded layers allow you to change how isolated audio interacts, with processes ranging from phase cancellation and mixing, to casting/molding, tuning, and even roundtrip processing in Sony Sound Forge Pro. You'll find endless uses for SpectraLayers Pro 3's powerhouse tools set, whether you're into audio restoration, mixing, mastering, sound design, or any other audio field.

Spectralayers Pro 3 Sound Forge Pro Mac 2.5 Advanced Audio Waveform Editor Spectacular Spectral Processing From its intuitive user interface and revamped waveform display to advanced features such as the 3D Displace view and 8-channel surround-sound support, Sony SpectraLayers Pro 3 makes frequency-based audio editing more powerful and straightforward than ever.

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